In case you need a gift, here is my story. Its never too late for the one you love. A gift comes from the heart. A single rose can be my garden.... a single friend, my world.
Mar 18, 2010
turkishdelight at
Come see what all the noise is about. Give you a clue "ITS all FREE".
Easily share your ads on Facebook and Twitter, and more.
1.List and sell unlimited products and services for free. That means no listing fees and no final sale fees.
2.eBay sellers: Easily import all your listings from eBay in seconds. It's easy and very fast - we promise!
3.Get a free interactive profile and storefront. Show buyers more about YOU! Post a picture, video and even blogs to build trust with buyers.
4.Connect your social networking profiles. Easily connect your Facebook, Twitter, external websites and more to your Addoway profile and let buyers interact with you on a deeper level.
5.Create professional looking ads in no time. Our one-page listing process is one of the quickest and simplest listing tools out there.
6.Sell in more than one place. When you list your items on Addoway, we submit your ads to shopping portals that reach millions of shoppers, driving traffic directly to your Addoway listings (only ads that comply with the shopping portals' terms and policies will be submitted).
7.Easily share your ads on Facebook and Twitter. All listings have an easy share button to share your ads with friends on your favorite social networks.
8.Unmatched customer service. We pride ourselves on building personal relationships with our users and doing everything we can for them. After all, Addoway is all about you!
9.Accept multiple payment methods. Easily integrate PayPal and Google Checkout to give buyers easy ways to purchase and pay for orders directly through your Addoway store.
10.Negotiate prices and trade with buyers. Our unique DealOWay system gives sellers the option to negotiate directly with buyers when you are willing to be flexible on price or trade your products in exchange for other products or services.
Come see what all the noise is. You will see its us just happy with no fees.
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