Jan 30, 2011


The Classic Cuisine of Turkey becoming sweet delight was in the house did you try? Covered with homemade coconut delight recipe Perizade.com also …


1 liter milk

2 cups flour

1.5 cups granulated sugar

75 grams margarine

1 tablespoon starch

2 packages vanilla

3 cups coconut

1 cup hazelnuts


Medium-sized saucepan, flour, powdered sugar, milk and starch taken.

Stir until a smooth consistency is achieved.

Get into the pot on the cooker and mix in the heat to medium and cook.

Boil 5 minutes, you’ve a thick consistency.

Download the pot from the stove.

Stir in margarine and vanilla, stir until margarine melts.

A large baking sheet covered with coconut to the base.

Coconut custard over the publication you are prepared.

After cooling at room temperature, remove the custard and refrigerate 4-5 hours.

Remove the custard from the cabinet at the end of the period.

5×5 cm in size, divide the custard squares.

Wrap the nuts to put in the middle of each square.

Do the same process until all the custard.

To the delight of each plate took place on the nut.

Without waiting in the service.

Enjoy your meal.

Click link to see original recipe and pictures.

Here is another GREAT Turkish(and in english) recipe for awesome Turkish Delight.
Click link below...

Teşekkür ederim Hayat for link.